[fw-general] Zend_Search_Lucene syntax error exception when searching on "to"
Jack Sleight
2007-10-25 11:40:56 UTC
One other question. Is there an upper limit to the search hit score?
Does a score of 1 mean a perfect match? The reason I ask is that if it
wanted to display a five star rating for each search results relevancy,
what should the score threshold for five stars be? Are there any
commonly used figures for something like this?

Alexander Veremyev
2007-10-25 12:00:50 UTC
Yes, 1 is an upper score value limit.

Internally score may be greater than 1 in some cases, but it's be normalized in this case.

With best regards,
Alexander Veremyev.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 3:41 PM
To: Alexander Veremyev; Zend Framework Mail Formats & Search
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Zend_Search_Lucene syntax error
exception when searching on "to"
One other question. Is there an upper limit to the search hit score?
Does a score of 1 mean a perfect match? The reason I ask is
that if it wanted to display a five star rating for each
search results relevancy, what should the score threshold for
five stars be? Are there any commonly used figures for
something like this?
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