Justin Zipkin
2007-07-12 04:48:35 UTC
Just sending a quick hello out. I spoke briefly with Kevin tonight on
#ztalk about some code I whipped up for text alignment/word wrap in
Zend_Pdf. According to him this work is probably already done somewhere,
but he recommended I sign up on this list and at least keep an eye on what
was happening around here.
If anybody is interested in the code that I have, I would be more than happy
to share it. Also, if there are any small bug fixes or anything that I
could be helpful with, I am willing to do what I can. I have only been
poking around with the framework for a few weeks, so am by no means an
expert, but the more I sort through the code the more productive I can be
here, and I figure maybe I can actually give a little bit back to the
In any case, I look forward to doing what I can, and for as much as I have
seen the Zend Framework is pretty impressive. Thanks everybody!
Justin Zipkin
#ztalk about some code I whipped up for text alignment/word wrap in
Zend_Pdf. According to him this work is probably already done somewhere,
but he recommended I sign up on this list and at least keep an eye on what
was happening around here.
If anybody is interested in the code that I have, I would be more than happy
to share it. Also, if there are any small bug fixes or anything that I
could be helpful with, I am willing to do what I can. I have only been
poking around with the framework for a few weeks, so am by no means an
expert, but the more I sort through the code the more productive I can be
here, and I figure maybe I can actually give a little bit back to the
In any case, I look forward to doing what I can, and for as much as I have
seen the Zend Framework is pretty impressive. Thanks everybody!
Justin Zipkin