François Parmentier
2007-07-04 15:52:05 UTC
Unfortunately, it does not seem to work with the Standard Analyzer, nor any
Analyzer I tested.
My index contain a 'conference-meeting-part' term, in a 'type' field, which
appear in 646 documents, according to Luke (and according to my own
counting, as I add this information in a MySQL database).
When I search type:"conference-meeting-part", ZendSearchLucene says that no
document is retrieved.
Idem when I escape -: type:"conference\-meeting\-part"
Is it a normal behavior?
You can test on this temporary URL:
(ZF 1.0.0RC2 on this site, but same results with 1.0.0)
Thanks in advance,
François Parmentier
law"' (with default analyzer). Thus it treats '-' inside lexeme as a
common character (and then brakes into two words with default analyzer)
I'll change this in Zend_Search_Lucene.
That's done.
"-" and "+" inside lexemes are processed as common characters (and then
processed by Analyzer).
Committed to SVN.
With best regards,
Alexander Veremyev.
Analyzer I tested.
My index contain a 'conference-meeting-part' term, in a 'type' field, which
appear in 646 documents, according to Luke (and according to my own
counting, as I add this information in a MySQL database).
When I search type:"conference-meeting-part", ZendSearchLucene says that no
document is retrieved.
Idem when I escape -: type:"conference\-meeting\-part"
Is it a normal behavior?
You can test on this temporary URL:
(ZF 1.0.0RC2 on this site, but same results with 1.0.0)
Thanks in advance,
François Parmentier
I think it is very important. In English (or Czech too) there are so
many words with - character. As I wrote: " -" or " +" (whitespace
minus, whitespace plus) = query character. I never studied how Java
Lucene do this but this could be ok.
Yes, I've just checked, that Java Lucene treats '+case-law' as '+"casemany words with - character. As I wrote: " -" or " +" (whitespace
minus, whitespace plus) = query character. I never studied how Java
Lucene do this but this could be ok.
law"' (with default analyzer). Thus it treats '-' inside lexeme as a
common character (and then brakes into two words with default analyzer)
I'll change this in Zend_Search_Lucene.
"-" and "+" inside lexemes are processed as common characters (and then
processed by Analyzer).
Committed to SVN.
With best regards,
Alexander Veremyev.
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